TRANSITION PROGRAMYear 5 and 6 classes at The Basin Primary School participate in a Transition Program to ensure Secondary School Readiness.This program consists of …..
As your child is now in Grade 6, or approaching grade 6, an important decision must be made about which school your child will attend for Year 7. At the beginning of Term 2, parents of Year 6 students will be provided with the ‘Year 7 placement forms’ where you will be asked to indicate your preference for your child. But that doesn't mean that you need to wait to start making these important decisions. Our suggestion is that you do not leave it till the last minute.
Selecting a school is never an easy decision but all eligible students have the right to be placed in their designated neighbourhood school. This is the Government school nearest the student’s permanent residence. The Regional Director has the authority to effect placement of students by restricting enrolments at a school or enacting a designated boundary for a school. The form you will receive next term will identify the designated neighbourhood school applicable to your child. You will also find that some schools have capped enrolments and entry to some secondary schools has become more difficult if you live outside the zone. The choice of what school your child will attend is up to you. Here are a few suggestions that we can make in selecting a school for your child.
GOING ON A TOUR Selecting a school is a hard decision. It is important that you have a good background and understanding of the school you select and their programs before making a decision. Before going on a school tour it is important that you come up with a selection of questions that you can ask or find out about. Here are some suggestions for you:
Further information is available on the Department of Education & Training website: zones hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones for 2020 onwards.
Information on this site is updated in Term 1 each year, ready for the Year 6 to 7 transition period.
To visit the site, see:
If you have a question about school zones call the VSBA Hotline on 1800 896 950 or email
Final placement into a government school is in accordance with the guidelines of each individual college and the Department guidelines. Parents who are planning to send their children to private schools need to follow the process specific to that school but still need to complete the form that is sent home from our school.
If you have any questions or concerns about the process of transition to secondary school or selecting a school please speak with your classroom teacher or our Principal, Graeme Russell.
Timeline for Government Schools
April Parent Letter, secondary education information, and Application for enrolment form distributed to parents of Year 6 students
MayReturn completed Application for Enrolment forms to The Basin Primary SchoolAugustWritten confirmation regarding secondary school placement sent to parentsDecember Orientation Day: Year 6 students attend their chosen government secondary college
Local Secondary Colleges
To find your local Victorian Government schools, visit the Find My School website at: